Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Vodafone and Huawei made the test in Italy first 5g data connection

The telecom company Vodafone has acquired its first 5G data connection in Italy.The 5G trial was made in the partnership of Vodafone and Huawei, which provided a radio base station using massive MIMO technology. It is part of trials in Milan encouraging the Ministry of Economic Development. In Milan metropolitan area, the 5G was chosen to test the frequency used in the 3.7-3.8 gigahertz portion of the spectrum provided by the Ministry of Vodafone.

The 5G data connection was obtained using an antenna located in Vodafone village in Milan, which reflects the beginning of the planned network rollout. The success of the 5G test represents a major step forward. This was a real test demonstrating the use of the 5G prototype tool that already meets the current 3GPP standard, which includes MIMO technology. This enhances both efficiency and coverage. Download speed during the test of 5G network getting 2.7 gigabits per second

Vodafone has tested its first 5G connection and is still grappling with the connections 4g users in India. The Government of India is also planning to prepare the way for the 5G. Currently, the minimum compulsory internet speed in the country is just 512 kbps, which is less than the global speed at which about 50-70 Mbps. To increase internet speed on mobile and broadband networks, government is trying to increase the mandatory momentum for the least 2MBPS and more

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