How to get a full approved non-hosted account easily.
Hello friends in this article I am going to discuss that how to get fully approved non-hosted AdSense account for all we know that google Adsense is the best platform to monetize your blog or website, it pays far better CPC compared to other but for getting Adsense approval for website or blog is very tough for people but it not as hard as it looks .There are some necessary steps if you follow that steps than your AdSense account can be fully converted to non-hosted account.
- A domain-domain name is the primary part of the website.Whenever you apply for an AdSense for content .it should be top level domain examples .com, in,.uk,.au etc. never submit your application with subdomain website examples,, etc.
[caption id="attachment_275" align="aligncenter" width="300"]got approved for adsense within 20 days of purchase of domain[/caption]
- minimum word post-many people Adsense account disapproved due to insufficient content.according to various websites word in a single article should be 500 to 1000 words. but it is not true my website got approved with 10 posts and 300 to 350 word in a single article within 20 days of purchase of a domain.
- Theme Selection-This is one of the most important part of getting always recommended using light weight theme with fewergraphics and picture if possible create your blog with WordPress.Never use the theme with heavy picture and advance graphics.
- About us-create about us page on your website and describe your website aim and its motive in your own words and very clearly
- contact us -google takes very seriously about all contact us page it's recommended to use genuine contact email, facebook page, google plus page, twitter page etc.
- privacy policy-privacy policy page is one of the important page on the this page, you have to describe in briefly how do you maintain privacy for your visitors and subscriber.
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