Friday 24 February 2017

How to save your youtube channel from getting suspended or terminated

Save your YouTube channel from getting suspended or terminated

Hello, friend today I am going to tell how to save your YouTube channel from suspending or getting terminated.Nowadays YouTube has terminated many channels and also suspended many channels due to spamming.Spamming refers to various reason false thumbnail, false keyword, promoting other YouTube channel through your YouTube channel or false tag in video or video has been copied and edited from someone else YouTube channel.

YouTube will not notify you or give you a strike, your channel will directly be suspended or of the major reason faced by the by the YouTuber of getting channel suspended is spamming of messages in the comments box i.e ( subscribe me and I will subscribe you back)these type of comments is considered as a spam by a YouTube so YouTube will never tolerate these types of comments.its YouTube channel owner responsibility to check each and every comment and report the spam comment to YouTube.

As we know the YouTube is google product and google AdSense and YouTube is both tied up from which the video publisher get advertisements on their website and earn the profit by revenue sharing as a YouTube it's recommended that save youtube channel and AdSense account from getting damaged.Never tell your YouTube channel to your friends,family, relatives, neighbour check your AdSense account regularly,check your AdSense CTR in daily wise it should never rise above 10% google Adsense always maintain a proper ratio between the publisher and advertiser but in priority google ad sense give more importance to its advertiser because advertiser put lots of effort and money into it.

  There are  Some necessary steps should be taken before channel being suspended or disable:

1)If you think are your youtube channel is earning more than you expected than you should disable the AdSense for some time.

2) IF your CTR is more than  10% than you should first disable your youtube channel and after report to google for invalid clicks.

3) click on the link given

4) wait for some time to get replied by the google.



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